


更新时间:2023-06-07 10:42:16



Sugar maker is a traditional Chinese handicraft. The producer carries a burden, one is a heating stove, the other is sugar and tools.

Sugar is made by heating sucrose and maltose. It's brown and yellow in color. Some of them add pigments or pigments to make it red or green.

Temperature control is the key to production. Overheating is too scarce to deform, and cold will be too hard to shape.

The tools used are simple, mostly spoon-shaped and shovel-shaped. This sugar man is made of boiled sucrose or maltose in various shapes, such as figures, animals, flowers and plants.

It is said that there were sugar people in Song Dynasty. Most of them were plane shapes. Like today's candy paintings, they were called drama candies.

Later they were also called thick sugar gourds, sugar blowers, swing baits, sugar yiniang, sugar officials, sugar pagodas, sugar turtles and so on.
